s34n's profile
Rating: 1981 (#None)
K-value: 16.0
Registered: 4848 days ago
Fame: +0.0 / -6.0
Challenge mode: Nobar Single
Challenge mode: Double
Challenge mode: Nobar Double
Challenge mode: Pump It Up Single
Also, ITG single/double marathon, pump nightmare and pump progressives.
Challenge history
- Spin Chicken (by hippis)
- Twilight (by hippis)
Completed 4761 days ago
Jonttu +22 (0.0) vs. s34n -16 (6.0)
- Tears In May (by Jonttu) 70.62% - N/A
- Charlene (by Jonttu) 75.00% - N/A
- Lipstick Kiss (by s34n) 90.50% - N/A
- Pandemonium (by s34n)
- Indulgence (random) 65.79% - N/A
- Popcorn (random) 81.69% - N/A
- Jonttu: Oops! I thought you would be more like B1, not S1, so... I'm pretty much crewed up. :(
Completed 4833 days ago
s34n -16 (2.9) vs. Mek +16 (3.1)
- Indulgence (by s34n) N/A - 86.90%
- Hardcore of the North (by s34n) N/A - 96.49%
- Utopia (by Mek) N/A - 98.10%
- Clockwork Genesis (by Mek) N/A - 97.08%
- VerTex² (random) N/A - 55.29% (F)
- Summer ~Speedy Mix~ (random) N/A - 68.09% (F)
- Mek: Easier picks for starters since I haven't played no bar in a while. Gl!
- Mek: haha, played with shoes after all (omg)
Completed 4837 days ago