Kauhsa's profile
Challenge history
Kauhsa +34 (2.3) vs. Aymee -33 (3.7)
- Remember December (by Kauhsa) 97.63% - 84.21%
- Fleadh Uncut (by Kauhsa) 98.04% - 94.46%
- Dawn (by Aymee) 99.08% - 99.33%
- Pick Me Up & Tango (by Aymee) 98.64% - 99.45%
- Dr. Doolittle (random) 98.54% - 94.80%
- Soapy Bubble (random) 84.26% - 59.49% (F)
- Kauhsa: JOU
- Aymee: HARD 8 -BILEET. Tulee varmaan kovaa scoree kuukauden kipuilun jälkeen <3 Kivat randomit, jooko?
- Aymee: Eipä kyllä hirveen maagisia tuloksia tullut. Dawnissa padit vei multa jopa kolme supervetoa! Dr. Doolittle on kuraa >:(
Completed 4643 days ago
Rangifer +2 (5.9) vs. Kauhsa -3 (0.1)
- Clockwork genesis (by Rangifer) 90.29% - 73.06%
- One Thousand Cranes (by Rangifer) 98.69% - 96.55%
- Wish (by Kauhsa) 98.78% - 97.88%
- Wish Remix (by Kauhsa) 95.36% - 89.12%
- Monolith (random) 78.81% - 73.59%
- Utopia (random) 91.66% - 90.20%
- Rangifer: Sanoit ettei mitään huonoo, niin otin itg:n parhaat biisit ja sun lembbarid!
- Kauhsa: \o/
- Rangifer: Jee yksi voitto kauhsasta!
- Kauhsa: Surullista :[
Completed 4663 days ago
Jonttu -25 (1.3) vs. Kauhsa +26 (4.7)
- Summer (by Jonttu) F - 93.71%
- Summer (by Jonttu) F - 94.47%
- Psalm Pilot (by Kauhsa) F - 96.42%
- The Message (by Kauhsa) F - 97.21%
- Clouds From The East (random) F - 95.54%
- The Game (random) F - 96.02%
- Jonttu: Tulisi kesä jo.
- Kauhsa: Sitä odotellessa!
- Kauhsa: ^_-
Completed 4677 days ago
Kauhsa +15 (3.3) vs. tdb -15 (2.7)
- Wanna Do ~Hardhouse Mix~ (by Kauhsa) 97.12% - 85.04%
- Tribal Style (by Kauhsa) 97.91% - 90.18%
- Queen of Light (by tdb) 90.54% - 96.18%
- Dawn (by tdb) 94.64% - 95.56%
- Vi Sitter I Ventrilo Och Spelar DotA (random) 98.28% - 93.78%
- Summer ~Speedy Mix~ (random) 93.31% - 90.44%
- Kauhsa: hå hå, fiske
- tdb: Ootko tarpeeks käsi näihin?
- Kauhsa: Lähestulkoon!
Completed 4777 days ago
Kauhsa -1 (3.1) vs. LoneWolf +1 (2.9)
- A Yodeler In Texas (RB2) (by Kauhsa) 96.28% - 90.05%
- London Bridge (RB2) (by Kauhsa) 97.04% - 93.60%
- No Princess (by LoneWolf) 95.86% - 97.55%
- July -Euromix- (by LoneWolf) 93.57% - 97.32%
- Save the Last Dance for Me (random) 97.62% - 97.40%
- Unspeakable (random) 95.52% - 96.33%
- Kauhsa: Tässä haasteessa vain hyviä biisejä!
- LoneWolf: Ei kerkeä pelaamaan parempia, kaikki paitsi July -Euromix- vedetty yhdellä yrityksellä.
- Kauhsa: Verkkopankki-istunnossasi on tapahtunut virhe ja istunto on suljettu. Tallentamattomat tiedot ovat voineet kadota. Kirjaudu uudestaan verkkopankkiin.
Completed 4835 days ago
Etsura -35 (2.6) vs. Kauhsa +34 (3.4)
- Pandemonium (by Etsura) 95.05% - 94.51%
- Energizer (by Etsura) N/A - 94.15%
- Go 60 Go (by Kauhsa) 71.30% - 92.85%
- Zodiac (by Kauhsa) 87.44% - 92.25%
- Know Your Enemy (random) 92.79% - 97.20%
- Why Me (random) 92.02% - 97.02%
- Etsura: blöblöblö
- Kauhsa: Jännää jännää!
- Kauhsa: Pelasin kerran Tennarissa. Ei inspiroinut oikein tällä kertaa. :D
- Kauhsa: Ei inspiroinut ;P
- Kauhsa: Ja kommentteja ei näköjään voi korvata!
- Etsura: Fail kun en muistanut ottaa kaikesta screenshotteja ja sit ei ehtiny pelata uusiks... whatever :P
Completed 4853 days ago
tdb -31 (2.4) vs. Kauhsa +31 (3.6)
- Little Kitty Mine (by tdb) 97.90% - 99.44%
- Nights In Heaven - Days In Hell (by tdb) 97.86% - 98.08%
- ReaF (by Kauhsa) 96.14% - 96.69%
- Calendar Girl (by Kauhsa) 98.89% - 98.06%
- DJ Party (random) 98.13% - 98.29%
- Twilight (random) 95.11% - 95.16%
- Kauhsa: joskus uudestaan~
Completed 4871 days ago
Lantis -27 (5.3) vs. Kauhsa +31 (0.7)
- Dead Souls (by Lantis) 76.19% - N/A
- VerTex (by Lantis) 83.90% - 74.34% (F)
- Infection (by Kauhsa) 96.17% - 98.95%
- Sugar Sweet (by Kauhsa) 95.88% - 98.50%
- Last Man Standing (random) 83.54% - 81.19% (F)
- Bloodrush (random)
Completed 4883 days ago
Kauhsa +23 (3.0) vs. odber -23 (3.0)
- Charly (Halloween Dub) (by Kauhsa) 97.03% - 96.20%
- Birdie (by Kauhsa) 97.14% - 98.49%
- EternuS (by odber) 97.37% - 95.56%
- Hardcore Symphony (by odber) 96.70% - 96.34%
- Shooting Star (random) 96.06% - 85.75%
- No Princess (random)
Completed 4906 days ago