Jka's profile
Rating: 1915 (#6)
K-value: 15.7
Registered: 4729 days ago
Level: S2
Fame: +1.0 / -4.0
Challenge mode: Nobar Single
Challenge history
hippis +14 (4.9) vs. Jka -17 (1.1)
- Holy Guacamole (by hippis) 99.69% - N/A
- Queen of Light (by hippis) 99.28% - N/A
- VerTex (by Jka) 98.62% - N/A
- Oasis (by Jka) 99.05% - N/A
- You Wanna Me (random) 99.66% - N/A
- Kagami (random) 99.75% - N/A
- Jka: 8D
- hippis: padipaskaa
Completed 4496 days ago
hippis +30 (4.0) vs. Jka -32 (2.0)
- Determinator (by hippis) 92.65% - 80.54%
- Epileptic Crisis (by hippis) 85.58% - 64.27%
- Pandemonium (by Jka) 95.82% - 17.26% (F)
- VerTex² (by Jka) 71.92% - N/A
- Get Down (random) 98.61% - N/A
- Over the Rave (random) 99.63% - N/A
- hippis: Padipaskaa!
Completed 4618 days ago
Joel -48 (2.7) vs. Jka +45 (3.3)
- Why me (by Joel) F - 99.50%
- Determinator (by Joel) F - 75.06%
- Hand of Time (by Jka) F - 98.45%
- Delirium (by Jka) F - 84.20%
- Disconnected Sanxion7 remix (random) F - 98.57%
- One Thousand Cranes (random) F - 99.21%
Completed 4695 days ago
Jka -23 (2.2) vs. hippis +22 (3.8)
- Bloodrush (by Jka) F - 95.59%
- Robotix (by Jka) F - 99.81%
- Metallik Heart (by hippis) F - 98.87%
- Sail AwaY (by hippis) F - 99.74%
- VerTex (random) F - 98.84%
- Get Down (random) F - N/A
Completed 4748 days ago
Jka +36 (2.8) vs. vehnae -36 (3.2)
- Bumble Bee (by Jka) 99.90% - 99.62%
- Clockwork Genesis (by Jka) 98.14% - 96.32%
- Sail AwaY (by vehnae) 97.45% - 97.03%
- Anubis (by vehnae) 99.65% - 99.04%
- Visible Noise (random)
- Fleadh Uncut (random)
Completed 4750 days ago
Jka +6 (5.5) vs. Alhe -7 (0.5)
- Birdie (by Jka) 99.08% - 98.92%
- Tribal Style (by Jka) 99.44% - 97.54%
- While Tha Rekkid Spinz (by Alhe) 98.62% - 94.74%
- Ride The Bass (by Alhe) 98.05% - 97.95%
- We Know What To Do (random) N/A - 94.84%
- Hillbilly Hardcore (random)
Completed 4757 days ago